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Monday, July 27, 2009

Fryeburg 2 day 50 mile CTR, Fryeburg, ME July 2009

My favorite ride of the year, the Fryeburg 50. It is a 2 day ride of 25 miles each day. Bonnie came with me and she rode my horse Marie. Bonnie and I had planned to head to Fryeburg first thing Friday morning. But, it was pouring rain and wasn’t going to clear off until early afternoon. So, we decided to go later. I met her over at Susie’s house where I had to pick up my horse at noon. We had decided to go to the Town Landing for lunch but we loaded Marie into the trailer to keep Ruby quiet while we were gone. We knew as long as they were together, they would be happy as clams. After lunch we headed out. It is close to a 2 hr. drive to Fryeburg. The ride is at the Fairgrounds there and the grounds are lovely with wonderful shedrow barns. Nice bathrooms with showers. Everything is so convenient with water available at every 4th stall and being able to camp right in from of the barns.

We arrived at around 3:00 PM. The rain had let off by this time. Very quickly we realized that the mosquito’s were unusually bad. Actually, that doesn’t even begin to describe it. They were HORRIBLE! As someone described them as being in "biblical proportions". We quickly had Ruby and Marie settled into their stalls and camp set up. I had brought my dog, Zephyr along also. We cleaned both girls up and got in line to be vetted in. The vetting didn’t take long. Ruby and Marie both vetted in well. We settled them both back into their stalls and went into town for supper. When we got back, we were just being driven crazy by the mosquito’s. So were Marie and Ruby. There was no relief anywhere. Not in the barn and even the bathrooms were filled with them! No amount of fly spray seemed to help at all. We ended up putting light stable sheets and fly masks on Ruby and Marie to limit the amount of skin that was exposed to the mosquito’s. That seemed to help and they seemed much more comfortable. Everyone ended up heading to bed early as no one could stand staying out with the mosquito’s so bad. Not that there weren’t plenty in the trailer. We had to sleep with ourselves covered as much as possible. Zephyr slept up in the gooseneck with me, but on his own bed.

I woke up in the night and it was pouring rain. AGH! We got up around 5:00 AM to feed the girls. the mosquito’s were still horrible. We then went into the office for breakfast. The mosquito’s were horrible in there too! Steve Rojeck said in all the countries he’s competed in, and all the thousands of miles he’s ridden, he had never seen anything like it. Riders meeting was at 6:30 AM. Ride started at 7:00 AM. We got the girls tacked up and ready to go. The rain ended before the ride start. Our time out was 7:10 AM. Ruby naturally took the lead and headed out like she was on a mission. Before long we caught up with the riders in front of us. It was Marsha Deleware, Lois Crowley and another woman I didn’t know. I decided to stay with them as I know Marsha always sets a nice steady pace. AND she is fun to ride with. The 3 horses and Ruby all got along and traveled well together. We moved right along. Because of all the rain we’ve had this year, the ride manager was limited on trails. We could only do one of the agricultural field roads. We usually do quite a few miles in the fields. And we had to do several miles along the roads. But, it was that or sloghing through mud. We told her we’d be happy with the roads, there was enough mud on the trails as it was. And the mosquito’s were just as horrible out on the trail. Bonnie and I both had fly masks and fly nets for our equines necks. It really helped a lot. Before we knew it, we were at the hold. Marie was her usual rude self looking for the food she knew was there. Ruby was a lady and very good. Ruby pulsed right down. We had to use the full 10 minutes for Marie but that’s normal for her. At 10 minutes Ruby was 48, Rosemarie was 60. The trot out went fine for both. We had made such good time on the way out, that we had to go slower on the way back. We ended up walking the last 4 miles and then still waiting in the field before the finish line because we were back too early. While we were letting them graze while waiting, Bonnie suddenly yells at me, “Watch out, she’s going down!” While I was thinking, who’s going down, Suddenly Ruby and I are on the ground! Ruby had decided to roll. I yelled at her in surprise and thankfully, she got right back up. Finally, it was time to cross the finish line and we were done. Ruby pulsed right down to 40 at then end. Marie was at 58. Since it was a 2 day ride, that was ok. It was high but within parameters and would not count towards scoring. We did our trot outs and both girls did fine. Yahoo, we were both good to ride the next day. I was so relieved since I’ve been worried about Ruby since she had her injury last year.

The sun had finally come out and it was quite warm and much to our relief, the mosquito’s were not so bad. We had lunch and then sat with everyone visiting. Susie & David arrived and Marie knew right away that Cody was there and started hollering. Susie decided to camp at the barn behind the one we were in. The ride provided a nice supper. Joanie and Nancy showed up in the evening and camped out back with Susie. I decided to take a quick shower before heading to bed. I had so much bug spray on me, I felt like a walking chemical factory. The mosquito’s started getting bad again as it got later so we blanked Ruby and Marie again.

The 2nd day’s ride was the same as the first. We were up again by 5:00 AM to feed. The mosquito’s weren’t quite as fierce as the previous morning but still bad enough. We had breakfast, and after the riders meeting, tacked up. It had started to rain so we tacked up in the stalls. Ruby thought Marie had gone and she pitched a fit making getting her saddled a bit of a chore. By the time we headed out, once again at 7:10 AM, the rain had let off but we took our rain gear just in case. Ruby was even more forward and energetic then the previous day. The mosquito’s were once again quite bad on the trail. We eventually put on our rain jackets just to keep them off us. Not far from the hold, Susie caught up to us. We rode into the hold together. Once again, Ruby pulsed right down to 40. Marie just squeaked in at 60. We took extra time at the hold since we knew we had more time then we needed to get back to camp. We rode nice and easy on the way back walking the last 3 miles or so. We finished in good time.

At the end Ruby pulsed down to 38. Marie was 48. Not bad for her so I was pleased with that. The final trot out went well for both Marie and Ruby as did the hands on. After all the vetting was done, we settled Ruby and Marie into their stalls with lots of hay and water and finished packing up camp. Then we sat and relaxed until supper and awards.

Bonnie and Marie got a completion. Marie got 6 points off for lameness. She was not lame but she travels funny and this happens often. Ruby and I got 2nd place. Ruby only had a score of 98.5. She only got 1 ½ points off for windpuffs. I was so proud of her, she did such a great job!! Good mule!

Fryeburg 50 CTR 7/25/09 13/S-12/F
J1. AJ Morning Star Wakita / Bedard, Cassidy
1. Beaujolais (L J)/ Rojek, Steve
1. Bedrocks Handsome Fello / Alexander, Lee
3. Guysborough Gray / Bridges, Jean
4. McAllister's Ruby / Ross, Cynthia
4. Silver Britches / Brooks, Leslie
6. Weasel / Fellows, Sally
7. Cry Me A River / Wright, Caliegh
8. Highcountry Piper / Deleware, Marcia
9. MDA Billy Four / Munn, Donna
10. Craggy Lea Jazzy Lady / Ring, Wilson
11. Marie / Hinz, Bonnie
DNF Ashmoro Billy Alan / Batchelder, Rhonda