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Saturday, October 20, 2001

Boo 25 Ride & Drive West Sumner, ME Oct. 2001

The last big adventure of the season. I decided to enter this competition as a driver. Marie has been doing so well with her driving. I wanted to have a 'groom' for this ride as a driver. So, I invited Holly to come along with me and she agreed. I was very surprised she could go since she works two jobs, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. She took the time off both jobs to go. I was so excited! Holly and I haven't done anything together in a long time. Fred picked Holly up Friday morning on his way home from work. I had packed the trailer Thursday. Halla arrived at my house at 8:25 AM. Fred helped us load my cart into my little Mazda truck. Bonnie was going to pick up the truck when she got out of work and bring it up to the ride. I was hauling her horse, Lady up for her. Holly and I put shipping boots on Lady and Marie, loaded them up and we headed out. Halla led the first half of the drive up. She was familiar with a shortcut that would take us around Lewiston/Auburn. Once we got to Turner, I took the lead. When we arrived at the ride site, there was only one trailer there so we had our pick of where to park. We parked as close as we could to where the food and vetting would take place. The farm where this event is held is so beautiful. It sits on the side of a hill with great views of the surrounding mountains. Leaves were at their peak color. We each set up our portable fences. Holly bounced back and fourth helping both me and Halla. I put a line across my pen to keep Lady and Marie separated. Lady picks on Marie occasionally and I figured we'd have a more peaceful weekend if they were kept apart. The horses all stood quietly in the trailers while we were setting up the fencing. We just opened up their windows so they could stick their heads out and watch. After we got the horses settled into their pens with hay and water, we headed down to the house to sign in and get our riders packets.

Laura, the owner of the farm was there. She was in her kitchen, sitting on the floor cleaning her harness. The ride manager had not arrived yet so we had to wait to sign in so we decide to go out for lunch. There is a little place to eat less then two miles from the Farm. Halla and Holly had breakfast. Holly had been sick and still wasn't feeling her best so wasn't very hungry. Bonnie arrived at camp around 2:30 PM. When I went over to my truck to unload my cart, I noticed something wrong. The seat to my cart was not there. I asked Bonnie where she had put the seat, she just gave me a blank look. The stupid seat had blown out of the truck somewhere along the way! AAAGGGHHHHH! We quickly unloaded the cart and all jumped in my truck to go looking for my seat. We drove all the way back to my house scouring the sides of the road getting more and more sure we had seen the last of my seat. Just two miles from my house, there it was laying on the side of the road. The seat is not that light and it was right near where Bonnie pulled out from the road I live on so couldn't have been going very fast. I was really surprised it had blow out of the truck. Weird. Anyway, I was just glad to have it back! By the time we got back to the ride site, a lot of people had arrived. Susie had wanted me to save her, Joanie and Mary a place but since we were out looking for my seat, we'd been unable to do that. We hurried to the house to sign in and get our rider/driver packets. Then, we got the horses, put their numbers on them and got them vetted in. All the horses vetted in fine. I trotted Porsha for Joanie. Joanie's foot is giving her trouble again and she has to go back in for surgery. Poor Joanie. Once done vetting, we headed over to the house for 'snacks'. Just like last year, 'snacks' turned out to be a full meal. There was ziti, chop suey and goodies of all descriptions and was absolutely delicious. After we ate, we fed our horses. Then went to the barn where there was line dancing. Susie was teaching the dances. Holly took charge of the music and it was a lot of fun. We danced from 8:00 to 10:00 PM. We took one short break in the house to get refreshments. Steve and Laura, the farm owners, built a big campfire and those not dancing to sit around. Everyone enjoyed themselves. After we all went to bed, Holly, Bonnie and I talked a long time in the trailer before finally going to sleep. I was so worried we would freeze to death camping out this late in the year. I had brought all my warmest sleeping bags and a down comforter. It wasn't actually all that cold that night and even warmed up some through the night.

Bonnie and I were up before 6:00 AM. We fed our horses and Halla's horse. Then we made a bee-line for the house for coffee and breakfast. Halla showed up for breakfast soon after we got there. We had plenty of time to relax, eat and socialize. Joanie and Ruthie West showed up a little after we did. Susie rushed in later as usual. Holly was still sleeping when I got back to the trailer to get Marie ready. Holly got up and went to the house for something to eat while I harnessed Marie. Bonnie and I knew that Lady and Marie were not going to be happy about being separated today. We were just hoping it wouldn't be too bad. The safety inspection for the drivers was at 8:00 AM. Then, ther was the costume judging. I didn't have a costume so I just drove Marie around trying to keep her quiet. She wasn't quiet. She was very unhappy about being separated from her buddies. She whinnied and called and danced around. I happened to look over at the pen were Bonnie and Halla's horses were. Halla's horse, Slick, was rearing up high and pawing the air. Lady was popping and bucking around. Bonnie and Halla's eye's were the size of saucers and they were both looking like, "Do we really want to get on these crazy horses!". I must say the horses looked very impressive. I managed to keep Marie under control until it was time to go. The first driver went out at 8:30 AM. Joanie was out at 8:31 AM and I was out at 8:32 AM. The first 4 mile or so were woods trails. It was very rough for driving. Marie wanted to catch up with Joanie very badly so was strong and pulling me. Because the trail was so rough, it took a few miles to catch up to Joanie. Once we did, Marie finally relaxed and was much happier. There was one spot on the trail that was so rough, I though Joanie and Ruthie were going to bounce right out of the cart. I was faring a bit better as my cart was narrower. After we got out of the woods, we had 8 miles of beautiful dirt roads. Joanie slowed down on a hill and I ended up passing her and going on ahead. A bit later as were were going down another hill, a dog came crashing through the woods just behind us and scared Marie half to death. Marie isn't afraid of dogs, but it never barked and was just crashing loudly through the leaves. Marie with her driving blinders on couldn't tell what it was. She bolted down the road! I pulled back on the rains and told her to whoa. At first she kept running and then was angling off towards the woods. I was having flashbacks to the accident I'd had driving my pony. I dropped my left rein and got both hands on the right rain so I could at least try to keep Marie on the road. Holly immediately picked up the rein I had dropped and helped me to stop Marie. She finally did come to a stop. When I tried to get out of the cart, Marie bolted again, I got her stopped quickly this time but now she was rearing. Holly quickly took the reins while I jumped out and ran to Marie's head. As soon as Marie could see me, she stopped and stood quietly. She was so scared though that she was shaking like a leaf. Marie has never spooked like that in all the years I've had her. I told Holly to get out of the cart until Marie was calm. I walked Marie back up the road in the direction we had come from. Eventually, Joanie caught up to us. Holly and I got back in the cart and I put Marie behind Joanie and Porsha so she would have the security of another horse in front of her. I was so proud of Holly for keeping her cool and not panicking. We finished the rest of the first loop with no further excitement. The last two miles into the hold were the hardest. All uphill and some quite steep. It was also muddy and rocky and very hard work for the driving horses. Marie dug right in though and pulled hard. Marie did fine at the hold. She was looking around for Lady and was a bit anxious but not bad. We were late leaving the hold as I was waiting for Joanie not realizing she had been pulled from the competition due to Porsha being lame.
As soon as I realized Joanie was pulled I headed right out hoping not to run into Bonnie on Lady coming into the hold. The last thing I needed was for Marie to actually see Lady. But sure enough, just as we were heading for the trail, along came Bonnie and Lady. I slowed down hoping Bonnie would get off the trail and up into the hold area before Marie saw them. Bonnie missed the hold entrance and rode right down the road towards me. AAAHHHHH!! I yelled and pointed, "Bonnie, you missed the hold, on your right!!". She stopped, looked around then saw where she was supposed to be. But, it was too late, Marie and Lady has spotted each other and started calling. Marie got very excited and started rearing. Larry Buggia, the vet judge, saw what was going on and hurried over to hold Marie until the trail was clear for me to go. Marie at least did go when I asked. Marie was not very happy through the whole second loop, which was a repeat of the first loop. She called the whole way around, but otherwise behaved quite well and we actually had a very nice drive on the second loop. I was worried about passing the spot where the dog had spooked Marie on the first loop. I thought she would be nervous and looking for the dog there. But, all went well and Marie was fine. About 5 miles from the finish, Holly and I realized we had a flat tire. We stopped and I put some air in the tire but I could hear the air leaking right back out. I pumped it up one more time before we went onto the woods trail but it didn't last. I just prayed the rim would hold out. As we neared the end of the ride, I realized I was very close to my maximum time. We hurried as much as we could. The trail was rough, uphill and muddy at this point. Holly was bracing herself on her seat and holding on for dear life telling me, "go Cindy,go, we can make it." We didn't quite make it. We were 4 minutes over so took a 4 point time penalty. Holly and I took Marie to the trailer and got her unhitched. Marie was once again very anxious and looking for Lady. I was worried that her pulse would never come down with her fretting like that. She finally calmed a bit about the time I had to have her P&R done.... and that was when Bonnie rode into camp. I urgently called to Bonnie and asked her to bring Lady over to stand by Marie while her P&R was taken. The P&R person was very understanding and gave Marie a minute to settle down. She did and her P&R was fine. Marie had a good trot out also. Halla's horse Slick didn't want to do his trot out. Tom Hutchinson had to get in the arena and chase him to get him to trot. I knew that wouldn't lead to a very good score for Slick. Lady's trot out was great. Once Bonnie, Halla and I had done our trot outs, we put the horses in their pens and went to the house to eat. As usual, the food was wonderful. We brought our food back to the trailer so we keep an eye on the vetting and would be ready when it was our turn for the hands on. Once that was completed, I hurried over to Susie's trailer to return some things I had borrowed. I knew she wouldn't want to wait around for the awards. She is always in such a rush to get home after a ride. Halla didn't believe me when I told her Susie wouldn't stay. I was right, she was in a rush packing up and getting ready to leave. Bonnie, Halla, Holly and I went down to the house to hang out and socialize while waiting for the award ceremony. It didn't take them long to get the scoring done. I won high point rookie driver, high point rookie horse. Anna, Susie's niece won high point rookie rider, high point rookie horse and oldest horse to complete the ride. Joanie won "most original costume". Halla's Slick won high point QH. After the awards, it didn't take us long to pack up camp. Halla had adopted Holly as her personal slave so Holly helped her pack up her pen. It was dark by the time we finally pulled out. Holly decided to drive my little truck and lead the way home. She was pretty sure she could find the way. She did take one wrong turn but we came out on a major road we were familiar with so got home with no trouble. We all had a great weekend. I am so glad Holly came, it was so much fun spending time with her.

Boo! 25 Ride/Drive CTR ME 10/20/01 5/S-3/F
Judges: Buggia - Levillie

1 Ben Putnam / S Day
2 Marie / C Ross (score 91.00)

2001 ECTRA Year End Awads
Career miles Cindy - 605 Ride
Career miles Cindy - 25 Drive
Career miles Marie - 630

Versaility Open
Czar Nickolas - Louise Lester ME
Cover Boy - Christina Sadowski MA
Baskin Serafix - Sharon Akerstrom NH
Serr Rascal - Edwin Reynolds VT
Silvea - Janet Brunjes ME
Hawks Nest Tradition - Alan Wells VT
Brios Kavalier - Kathie Duggan MA
Scatri - Mary Colemam (owner) PA
Marie - Cindy Ross ME
PS Sir Sedgewick - Sue Corr
Skys Orion - Barbara Gerstner VT

Alora Danin - Kathy Brunjes ME
LWF Paljoe Promise - Margaret Farnum ME
Rushcreek Equal - Gracelyn Pawlowicz NY
SR Gibralter - Steve Rojek VT
Sea Hawk - Suzanne Novatny NJ
YR Nicodemus - Deena Smith MacDonald NH

Chelby - Joe Steele (NH) & Jenny Kimberly (VT)
Stoneybrook Lyric - Stephanie Muncy VA
Syrocco Blair - Dr. Meg Sleeper NJ
WCM Beaumark Morgan - John & Sue Greenall VT
Wildwoods Lira Lyn - Joyce Sherman NJ

Hawks Neoploitan - Mary Coleman PA

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