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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Fryeburg 50 CTR, Fryeburg, ME July 2006

Well, another great ride. But aren’t they all. My plan had been to ride Emma Jane in the 2 day 50. She had already done 2 one day 30 mile rides. I was pretty sure she could both mentally and physically handle a 2 day ride. Of course there was a catch in this plan. She came up slightly lame after the 2nd competition. She had gotten new shoes put on the day before the ride. On the lame foot, there was one very high nail and I blamed that. Over the next few weeks, she seemed to get better and come sound. When she got the next set of shoes 4 weeks later, she was lame again. There was another high nail. I really don’t know if this was the problem either time but, I pulled the nail out. I called the farrier and he thought the shoe would stay on without that one nail. Next ride, (a long one) the shoe came off and Emma Jane was very sore by the time I got her home. I had to walk part of the way since she was stumbling so badly. The farrier came and put that shoe back on and I gave her a week of rest. But Emma Jane continued to be a bit off. I rode her one week before the Fryeburg ride and she was definitely not sound. So, I figured there was no way I would be taking her to the ride. Barbara had entered Marie in the ride. So, we got arguing back and forth about who was going to ride Marie at the CTR. “well, it’s your horse, you should ride her.” “Well, you pay to lease her and you paid to enter the ride, you should ride her.” Back and forth this went with no real resolution. Meanwhile, I was trying to line up another horse to ride so we could both go. I had plenty of friends with horses I could use but none of the horses were conditioned for this kind of riding. Meanwhile, Susie Reinheimer had knee surgery Monday before the ride. She was sure she would be recovered enough by Saturday to do it. Barbara, who has had the same surgery, was sure Susie would not be able to do the ride. Susie said I could ride Cody if she couldn’t ride but was sure she could. Tuesday and Wednesday go by. Susie is in a lot of pain with her knee and still on crutches and getting worried. But still sure she will have a miraculous recovery. I gave up trying to line up another horse. Barbara and I were back to our ‘discussion’ on who was going to ride Marie but not pursuing it too hard since we were both sure Susie was not going to have the miraculous recovery she was counting on.
The Farrier came the day before the ride to put new shoes on everyone. He and I had a long talk about Emma Jane’s shoeing. I told him she was still lame and asked him to really look at her and see what he thought. I trotted her for him. She was actually looking quite a bit better but not sound. He put the hoof tester on her and found the soles of her front feet were a bit soft on the inside. He was very surprised and we decided to put pads on her. I also got him to shorten up her toe a more then he has been. She stumbled a bit and I wanted to see if this made a difference. He also wanted to shorten the trailers he had been putting on her at the request of the vet. He felt the vet had just not seen enough mule feet to realize that they just don’t look quite the same as horse feet. I agreed and that is what we did. I lunged Emma Jane Thursday evening and she was definitely much better.
Friday morning, Susie called me and she was VERY upset. She was still on crutches and there was no way she was going to be able to ride. She had been looking forward to doing this ride so much. Another friend of ours, Joanie Mitchell, was going. Once of Susie’s best friends and it was going to be a fun weekend. Susie was so disappointed about not being able to ride. She told me I might as well take Cody. At this point, I had already decided to take Emma Jane and had everything all packed and ready for her. The Fryeburg Fairgrounds had wonderful safe stalls so I had decided that if Emma Jane did not make it through the vetting, I would be able to safely leave her in a nice stall and just help work the ride. I told Susie that I would lounge Emma Jane again before leaving. If she really looked off, I would come and get Cody. When Barbara go to my house, I lounged Emma Jane and had Barbara watch also. We both thought she looked pretty good. So, I decided she would go.
We got the horses ready. It was going to be hot so I wanted to put their fly masks on since I was leaving the trailer windows down and it would protect their eyes from any flying hay or dirt. Now, Emma Jane was VERY ear shy when I got her. But, over the months she has finally let me handle her ears. And has gotten very good about letting me put on her fly mask. But, several days earlier, I was stroking her ear and there was a scab on it from a fly bit. I accidentally knocked the scab off and she thought the world was coming to an end. Emma Jane is such a weenie about that kind of thing. She was holding a grudge and would not let me touch her ears. It took me about 20 minutes to get her mask on. I finally bribed her with treats. So, we got a slightly later start then planned but had an uneventful trip to the ride. At this ride the barns are wonderful with shed rows stalls back to back. The trailers can be parked right in front of the stalls for camping and there is a water spigot every 4 stalls. We got the spot we usually get every year. Near all the activity so we always know what was going on.

For Marie, this was just another ride. She has done this so long now and it is no big deal. Though she seems to love seeing all her friends she has made over the years as much as I do. She calls and talks to them all. Emma Jane amazed me. Though she has only done 2 rides, she knew right away what was going on. She was calm and relaxed and looking very happy. We settled them in their stall and set up camp. It wasn’t long before Joanie and Susie arrived. Susie decided to come and just hang out for one day. Another friend of hers, Kathy, was coming to work the first day of the ride. Susie would go home with her on Saturday. Barbara and I had our lunches we brought with us then sat and relaxed under the overhang by our stalls. When Susie arrived, Marie got very excited. She is SOOOOO in love with Susie’s horse and associates Susie with seeing Cody. Marie called and hollered. Poor girl was very disappointed when she realized Cody was not there. I had worked Thursday night so I was getting quite tired by noontime. I fell asleep in my chair much to everyone’s amusement. Joanie brought a screen house and they got that set up while I was sleeping. Joanie and Susie were going to sleep in that. Joanie and Susie both brought their dogs. Susie was sitting by Marie’s stall and at one point took a big drink of water, threw her head over the stall door and slobbered a ton of water all over Susie. We decided Marie was letting Susie know what she thought about her not bringing Cody.

As soon as the vet arrived, we got in line to get vetted in. Emma Jane was perfect for the vet and judge both. She wouldn’t let them touch her ears but other then that, no problem at all. She stood calmly and quietly. YEAH. She really WAS figuring this all out. Emma Jane is so bit up by the bugs it is actually embarrassing. Especially on her front end and face. She is a mass of scabs and scrapes from scratching. The judge has to record anything they find on the animal before the ride. They were going crazy trying to identify and record all the bumps, scabs, and scraped areas. The scribe finally said that if someone shot her with a pellet gun during the ride, they would never notice it. She trotted out just fine. No signs of lameness and I was cleared to ride. YIPPEE. All went well with Marie and Joanie’s horse, Frannie. We were all going to ride. We all went back and hung out in Joanie’s screen house. That is until a nasty thunder shower rolled in and it rained buckets. It quickly flooded the screen house and we all quickly retreated under the barn overhand. We were sooooo glad we had gotten vetted in early. There were some very close lightening strikes.

Emma Jane really seemed to be enjoying herself. She was watching everything that was going in with avid interest. Marie, who is very vocal, kept calling out to everyone. Every time she would call, Emma Jane would bray. I’ve never heard Emma Jane bray other then when she was stressed out over being left behind on a ride. And it was definitely a social bray. She makes such a strange sound. She doesn’t really sound like anything you would expect. The best I can describe it is the bugle of an elephant with a sore throat. It was freaking people out because they didn’t know what it was. Thankfully, I didn’t see any horses having a bad time about it. I can’t count the times I heard, “what the heck it that?” Every time people would walk by her stall, she would greet everyone with her Harley Davidson nicker. You can identify that as a nicker but so different from a horse because it is so much deeper and…… well, different. She attracted a lot of attention. Most people didn’t take her very serious. Many people though she was “so cute”. Some people just didn’t get it at all and just don’t find mules very attractive. Emma Jane is a pretty mule. But, among all those beautiful Arabs…… well, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Only one person mentioned that she was having trouble with their horse due to my mule. She was not unkind or rude about it at all. Just told me she needed to stay clear of me when possible. I told her I would make sure not to ride near her if at all possible. Most horses either just gave her the hairy eyeball or just stared and sniffed at her in curiosity. Emma Jane is very good and well behaved in a large group of horses. A group of teen aged girls fell in love with her and followed her around like groupies. It was so cute. Emma Jane didn’t know what to think of this at first. But soon figured out the girls gave out lots of “mule loving” and kisses on her nose when they walked by. She got to really liking this attention.
The thunder shower didn’t last to long. The rain was hard enough to leave ponds of water everywhere. We took the horses and mule out for a walk and to let them graze on some grass. The black flies were so bad that none of us could stand it for very long. The girls wanted the grass but actually seemed relieved to be back in their stalls.

Meals are provided at a ride but not always for Friday night. This ride had a Friday night meal but you had to request it on the entry form and pay extra for it. The entry form said it was going to be hot dogs and hamburgers. Not exciting fare but Barbara and I don’t like to cook and didn’t want to have to leave the grounds to go out to eat so we both signed up for the Friday night meal. Joanie, Susie and Kathy did not. They brought food with them. Well, there was a new cook hired at the last minute for the ride we had never had before. It was someone I know from another club I had belonged to years ago. I knew she was a wonderful cook but boy did we get a pleasant surprise! No hamburgers and hot dogs for us that night. A taco dinner with all the fixings. Several wonderful salads. And the deserts…….4 or 5 different homemade deserts that are beyond description! Our friends sure were sorry they didn’t sign up for the dinner then! The supper was served quite late so we did not stay up long after eating. Susie and Joanie slept in the screen house, Kathy in her truck and Barbara and I were in my trailer.

Ride management decided to start the ride early due to the predicted heat and humidity. We were starting at 6:00 AM. So, we were up at 4:00 AM to feed the horses and mule. Actually, Barbara was sleeping like a log so I left her alone to sleep. Then I went over for what was supposed to be, and always has been, a continental breakfast. But, much to everyone’s surprise and delight, it was a full breakfast. Eggs, bacon, omelets, pancakes, French toast, fruit salad…… absolutely wonderful. I had French toast and fruit. I think it’s the first time I haven’t started the ride on oatmeal! What a treat that breakfast was. Barbara and Joanie were up and came over to breakfast before I was done. The riders meeting was at 5:30 AM. We had plenty of time after the meeting to get ready. The ride started at 6:00 AM. But that is 2 horses at a time 2 minutes apart. We would be going out around 6:30 AM. Emma Jane was very quiet and relaxed when I saddled her up. Once again, she knew what was going on and that there was nothing to worry about. We walked them a bit to warm them up. Then, it was time to go at 6:28 AM. Frannie is a 6 (?) year old Morgan mare. She has a huge trot on her and set a quick pace. Marie has no trouble keeping up with this. Emma Jane would rather not trot that hard and fast so would go a bit slower and then canter to catch up. This was working fine. The first half of the trail went well. We went off trail once but not far thankfully. There is a LONG stretch through some agricultural fields. It is like a race track. The rain of the previous night had laid the dust down but it was not slick. We cantered the whole length. Emma Jane did great. I had to ask her several times to keep going since we have never done a long continuous canter like that. But she did it for me. We got into the hold in good time. Emma Jane pulsed down early. It took Marie almost the full 10 min. But all three were fine. Emma Jane is now good about being sponged. She still isn’t sure she likes it but can’t seem to come up with any real reason to object. So she stands quietly with a sour look on her face. We got in line for the trot out and metabolic check. We took their feed pans of beet pulp and carrots with us and just slid them along the ground as we moved up in line. They both ate well and finished up their food. Everyone trotted fine. We were still 6 min. late getting out of the hold. That is not a problem except you then have to make up that time along the trail somewhere. Though it was still early in the day, it was already getting very hot and humid. We had some long stretches along tar and dirt roads without shade the second half of the ride. Now, you are supposed to go faster in the sun. This creates a cooling breeze. And then go slower in the shade. Well, Emma Jane was not convinced of the soundness of this theory and was not buying into it at all. When we were out in the blazing sun, she slowed right down. She did agree to stay at a trot, but slow. No amount of persuasion was going to speed her up. We would hit the shade and she would take right off at whatever speed I wanted. Barbara and Joanie got quite a way ahead of us several times. Emma Jane didn’t care at all. She would NOT draft off any of the horses. She would watch them go by with a look like, “go ahead and run yourselves into heat strokes you dumb horses.” I eventually caught up with Barbara and Joanie. I told them they didn’t have to wait for me. I didn’t want to be the cause of them getting time penalties because of Emma Jane slowing down in the hot places. They said they didn’t mind. Marie would get very worried when her buddies got split up. She wants them all together or is not happy. She will behave and deal with it but she really frets. Joanie had also felt Frannie take a bad step and was worried she might have gotten a stone bruise. We ended up finishing with 10 min. to spare. Everyone did fine on their P&R. Marie was a bit high but not a problem. Emma Jane did great. And she was breathing so slow that the P&R person said if she hadn’t just taken Emma Jane’s pulse, she would have thought she was dead. She only got a respiration of 2 in a minute count! We went up for our trot out. Emma Jane did great. She trotted willingly though her expression said she still thought this trot out thing was stupid. Marie was also cleared for the second day. Frannie had to be checked again in the morning. Frannie also developed some large fluid filled swelling in her girth area. Joanie was very worried about this. She felt there was no way she was going to be able to saddle her with that. She was using the same cinch she always did. I had that happen to me once on a ride. I’ll never know what caused it but I just put some cold water on it. You can only use the water out of the hose applied with a cloth or sponge, you cannot actually use the hose on a CTR. Neither can you use ice. No artificially cooled water is allowed. By the next morning it was nearly gone. By the end of the ride, you could hardly tell it had every happened. So, I told Joanie not to worry too much.

Lunch was being served by the time we got the girls settled down in their stalls. Once again the meal was outstanding. It was make your own Italians. But with several wonderful salads and all the deserts. I was definitely NOT going to lose weight on this ride. We took the girls out for a walk and let them graze out on the infield of the race track. The grass was very good here and the bugs were bearable due to a good strong breeze. The Fairgrounds have showers that we took advantage of. Then we all took a 2 hr. nap. Susie left with Teri York soon after we were done riding. Kathy was helping with the judging and stayed until that was done. The 25 mile riders had to have the full vetting and scoring done. Supper was at 5:30 PM. It was another fabulous meal. Teryaki chicken that melted in your mouth. More, and different, wonderful salads and the usual mouth watering deserts. We stayed for the award ceremony for the 25 mile ride. We had another wonderful supper spaghetti and meatballs, more wonderful salads and garlic bread. And, of course, deserts beyond description. We hung out for a while at camp after supper but headed to bed by 9:00 PM since we would have to be up early again in the morning. Barbara decided to sleep out in the screen house with Joanie.

I was up Sunday morning at 4:00 AM. I fed Marie and Emma Jane. Barbara got right up and helped with hay and water. Once again we had a full breakfast choice. I had French Toast and sausage and some fruit salad. The swelling in Frannie’s girth area was way down. There was some heat in the area but it didn’t look bad. Joanie took her for her re-check. The vet’s approved her to go! YEAH. We saddled up and were ready to go. Right from the start Emma Jane started to pace herself more carefully. We went through the agricultural fields again. Once again we cantered the whole length of them. Emma Jane agreed to do this but at her own pace and Joanie and Frannie go ahead of us. Emma Jane did not care. I caught up with them at the first water tub. The hold was at the covered bridge. That is such a beautiful spot. And the ride to it is wonderful. Through fields and dirt roads along a river. Barbara and Joanie got ahead of us again in the fields. Emma Jane was cantering nicely along and when we entered the woods, still on nice wide trail, there was a strip of rocks to hold a wash out. Emma Jane hit the rocks, slipped and did a face plant. Then she couldn’t get her front feet back up and down she went. She didn’t roll thankfully so I was able to stay on her back. She popped back up and off she went like nothing had happened. She felt fine though could have been bleeding to death for all I knew. I knew Barbara and Joanie weren’t far ahead so when I caught up with them I had them check her out. Not a scratch on her. PHEW. Everything went well at the hold. We were able to get out only a few minutes late. The trails out of the hold were also beautiful. We went though ‘fern valley’ which was a bit muddy but so pretty. For a while after the hold, there were some horses following us that Emma Jane didn’t know. That is the only thing that will speed her up is strange horses behind her. So, we made good time until they passed us. Eventually, we circled back to the agricultural fields again. Emma Jane started to hesitate as we approached them. I wondered if she was ok. Did she have to stop and pee? Hummmm. I let her stop a few times but she didn’t do anything. Then the light dawned. She did not want to do that long canter again. So, I told her it was ok, if she would just agree to trot along steadily, I would not make her canter. (not that I could have made her! Haha) She agreed to this compromise. Just at the very end of the field, I asked for a short canter and she gave it to me. Good girl! We finished in good time. A big group of us came in at the same time. So, I had Barbara and Joanie hold up and let our girls graze for a few minutes outside the finish line before going in since we had the time to spare. It helps the ride management to not have a big group come in at the same time. We went to our stalls and Emma Jane finally took a huge drink. She did not drink on trail either day. We sponged them some but it was not as humid as the previous day so they were not nearly so sweaty. Marie was fine on her P&R. Emma’s was a bit high. I put more water to her and she was fine at her re-check. And barely breathing at all once again with a 44/2 P&R. We went right up for our trot out. There was a bit of a line. Emma Jane trotted out fine. I though she would be reluctant since I could tell she was tired but she did great. Marie looked fine to me. Frannie was obviously lame. We had quite a long wait for hands on so we had lunch. A wonderful lunch of teriyaki or barbeque chicken, more wonderful salads, garlic bread and the usual wonderful deserts. I went to check on Emma Jane and noticed that her left hind leg was showing a definite larger windpuff. So, I told Barbara I was going to have to walk her to try and get it to go down. So, we walked, and walked, and walked. By the time we went for our hands on, the puff had gone down. Joanie had to work that night so she cleaned out her stall (not realizing you didn’t have to strip ALL the shavings out) and left before the award ceremony. After Joanie left Barbara and I cleaned out our stalls and packed up as much as we could. Then we took our chairs and hung out in the shade where they would be having the award ceremony.

Joanie was awarded a completion though she got the full 25 points off for lameness. Marie also got a completion. She got 8 points off for lameness. She was not lame but this happens sometimes with the weird way she travels. Then they started calling out the placings. Sixth, fifth, fourth, third…….. Low and behold, Emma Jane and I got a second place in a field of 38 horses! I was so proud of my girl. She only go 2 ½ point off for mechanical fatigue. Everyone we looking at my mule with more respect after that!

Tom Hutchinson checking how deep the Saco River crossing was. It was decided it was too deep for the safety of the ride.

Fryeburg 50 ME 7/29-30/06 36/S - 35/F
Judges: Dr. Karin Wilson - Sondra Day

J1. Katherine / Mutis, Christine
J2. AJ Morning Star Wakita / Wright, Caliegh
1. Casey (Prince Buddy) / Cameron, Pamela
2. Shrocco Lyric / Kimberly, Jenny
3. Bedrocks Handsome Fello / Alexander, Lee
3. Odie / Palmer, Judy
5. Paula's Major / Greenall, Sue
6. Enshalla Fakama (Ram-Zee) / Jewell, Char
7. Keeper / Brooks, Leslie
8. Emma Jane / Ross, Cynthia (score 97.50)
8. Wind Dancer / Tousignant, Mary
10. JB Roman Tarbask / Libby, Kerry
10. Theatric / Brunjes, Kathy
12. HFA Silver Savana / Deleware, Marsha
13. Shiliil / Cahill, Becky
14. Rockin Rudy / Hall, Kathy
15. Craggy Lea Jazzy Lady / Ring, Wilson
15. Leland / Savino, Anne Marie
17. Beaujolais (LJ) / Barbosa, Hernan
17. Klassi Azim / Ferland, Linda
Talszrianon (Rianon) / Okun, Nancy
Hawks Nest Expedition / Wells, Allen
CR Monarchs Memory (Ellie) / Malkasian, Robin
BAF Cubis Choice / Pederson, Laura
Salt (Sault) / Rojek, Dinah
Ashmore Billy Alan / Bachelder, Rhonda
Marie / McGovern, Barbara (score 89.00)
Farley / Rojek, Steve
Araba Fable / Collins, Jan
Golden Girl / Smith, Suzanne
Quinszy / Fisk, Debora
Tappedanick / Lester, Louise
Travelin' Man Maverick / Tenggren, Traci
Moria NA / Hurton, Bonnie
Frangelica of Foxden Farm / Mitchell, Joanie

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