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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Indian Wedding

Well, this is not about a competitive ride, or even a trail ride. But, noteworthy nonetheless. I was called by my friend Linda back in May. She said he had been asked for the use of her horse in a Hindu wedding. Linda was reluctant to take either of her horses and after thinking about all the horses she know, though Marie would be the best one for the job. Neither one of us know anything about Hindu wedding and what would be involved but I thought it would be interesting so agreed to go with Marie. I did a bit of internet research on Hindu wedding and learned that traditionally the groom arrives at the wedding on an elephant or a horse. As no suitable elephant could be found locally, a fat Quarter Horse would have to do. As the date neared, I realized I would not be able to go as it was my parents 60th anniversary and we were taking them out for dinner that night to celebrate. So I called Linda to tell her I couldn't go but she could borrow Marie if she wanted to take her. She did. Below is the email I got from Linda the day after the ceremony.

wwells9@myfairpoint.net to me
show details Jun 18
Hi Cindy, All went well today at the Hindu wedding ceremony. It was really some thing else! Marie had one bad moment when they started playing some very loud drums and flute music right next to her just as the groom was about to mount her. We did have the music makers go further away and then he was able to get on. At that point we started down the runway with about 100 people dancing all around us with scarves flying about. She was on alert (mostly concerning the drums) but she handled it This went on all the way down the runway. When we got down near the house, they said an airplane was going to land and come down the runway so we moved. At this point the groom dismounted and we left. I could not take pictures as I was holding on to her the whole time but I am in hopes of getting some of the professional photos that were being taken.
Anyway thanks again so much and now Marie can add that to her resume.
I'll call you if I ride tomorrow.

Link to Photographers blog with pictures.

Link to a movie trailer of the wedding.

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